FAQ & Info

Parents, Guardians and Visitors

Here is a list of some frequently asked questions – with answers!  If you don’t find the answer you are looking for, please refer to our General Camp Policies or Rules and Guidelines sections. If your question still remains unanswered, don’t hesitate to contact the camp office

General FAQ

What time is arrival and departure?

*The arrival times for our 5-night camps will be between 5-7pm. We will provide an evening snack for all campers.The arrival times for Island Adventure 1, Beginners, and Discovery will be from 9:30-11am. The departure time for these camps will be from 1:00-3:00pm on Friday. The arrival times for Island Day camp will be between 8:00-8:30am and the departure times will be from 4:30-5:00pm.  The arrival times for our Family Camps will be between 6:00-7:30pm.

What time(s) does the boat run?

Normally, the boat will begin to make runs 15 – 20 min before above stated Arrival and Departure times. We are at the mercy of the weather so all boat runs are conditional on weather and river conditions.

Any other day or time other than arrival and departure days and times, please call ahead to the camp office to make an arranged visit.

What do I bring to camp?
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • Swim suit (Girls- modest one piece. Boys – modest trunks)
  • Beach towel
  • Shower towel
  • Sun Screen
  • Hat
  • Toiletries – soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.
  • Rain coat
  • Clothes (shirts, shorts, underwear, long pants, socks)
  • Sweater and/or Jacket
  • Canteen money (if not prepaid)
  • Bible
  • Optional: Flashlight, Camera, and extra money for camp t-shirts.
How to Apply for Financial Assistance
If you are looking to apply for financial assistance please download the PDF form, fill it out and return to the Camp Office.
How much Canteen money is needed?

We recommend $20-$25 for a 5-night camp. $30 is plenty and $15 will get you by. Camp Merch, such as stickers, t-shirts, mugs, and water bottles, will also be available for purchase at the canteen.

Please note: we only accept cash at the canteen, unless your child’s canteen is pre-paid for online during registration.

How can I pay my remaining camp fee?

Step 1: Go to https://catonsisland.campbrainregistration.com
Step 2: Sign-in
Step 3: Scroll down and click “View details” under “View My Submitted Registrations”.
Step 4: On the right-hand side of the page under the “Financial” section, click the yellow “New Payment” button. Enter your credit card information and click “Process Payment”.

Can I bring my boat to the island for arrival and departure to pick up my camper?

Yes, you can, but we encourage you to consider driving your camper so that there is diminished boat traffic on the river. We ask that you please call or email the camp office to inform the island staff so that our boat drivers are aware of your boat heading to the island.

If my child is a year older or younger than the stated camp age, can they still go?

This decision is usually made on a case by case basis. Most of the time we allow campers who are a year older or younger to attend; we don’t want a few months to get in the way of your child coming to camp! Feel free to call or email the camp office to discuss how we can best serve your camper!

Cancellation Policy
A camp registration may be cancelled at any time by contacting the camp office; however, the $50 deposit is non-refundable. Any other money paid for the camp at the time of cancellation will be refunded.


Canteen Money

Canteen money is either pre-paid on a campers online account, or it is collected on registration day. Money collected from each camper is placed in a tab account. The name of the camper, their starting balance, and their ending balance will be recorded. This then becomes a debit system where each day campers can place orders and the charges are simply deducted from the money they had initially. At the end of the camp week, if campers have an ending balance, they will be given cash back. It is the responsibility of the campers to pick up the remaining canteen money on the final day. Campers will be reminded by their counsellors to do this. If a child does not pick up their canteen money at the end of the week, parents can contact the camp office.

Parental Visits / Phone Calls

Parents may visit camp on arrival day. Visitations during camp session are discouraged to help avoid homesickness and disruption of camp routine. If a visit is absolutely necessary, please call the camp office in advance.

The phones are used for business and emergency purposes. We discourage campers calling home and allow this only after all avenues are exhausted. Please note: Phone calls from home often promote homesickness. If you would like to know how your camper is doing, feel free to call or email the camp office and we can gladly get a staff member to check in with your child and/or their camp counsellor and get back to you with an update.

Food Services/Allergies/Dietary Restrictions

Food at camp is specially prepared with nutrition in mind. We also know that a lot of energy is used up at camp playing sports and games, so we make sure there’s always plenty to eat in a variety of food servings that will replenish much needed energy. Our serving lines are arranged so that campers may choose what they would like to eat. For example, if we are serving tacos and a camper would only like meat and cheese on their taco, they can choose to do so.

We are sensitive to the allergies and dietary restrictions of our campers and are always ready to make accommodations should the need arise. We ask that you please make these allergies or dietary restrictions known on the camper’s registration form. We must know about each accommodation a week in advance to prepare accordingly. We offer lactose and dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegetarian alternatives. If it is helpful to request the menu to better prepare your child with an allergy or dietary need, please reach out to the camp office a week in advance. Caton’s Island is also a “Nut Aware” camp, meaning that we do not purchase or serve any nut products in the kitchen or in the canteen; however, we cannot control what campers bring for snacks in their luggage. If you have any questions or concerns regarding food services at camp, please contact the camp office.

Lost Clothing / Belongings

Caton’s Island is not responsible for lost or stolen clothing or belongings at camp. Caton’s Island promotes tidiness in the living quarters and encourages campers to take responsibility for their personal belongings. To further reduce the risk of misplaced belongings, please label all belongings with name tags or permanent marker that clearly identifies the owner. Campers should not bring new or expensive clothing or belongings to camp. Expensive watches, jewelry,  music devices, and games should not be sent.

Items found during the week will be placed on a table when signing out your camper. Items not claimed are washed (if necessary) and stored in the Lost and Found room. Parents may contact the camp office for any missing items. If found, it is the parent’s responsibility to pick up the item from Caton’s Island or pay for the postage fees associated with returning the item(s) by mail.


Laundry is done on an as needed basis. This means that campers can be expected to return home with dirty clothes. Caton’s Island will arrange for significantly soiled items to be laundered as best we can. However, clothing that becomes soiled within the 24 hours prior to pick-up may not be washed, due to time constraints.

Discipline Policy
  • Campers will get up to three warnings for misconduct.
  • As well, privileges may be lost (ie: canteen).
  • The second warning will include a phone call home.
  • The third warning may result in early dismissal.
  • Campers dismissed from camp will NOT receive a refund.
Visitor Policy
  1. Upon arrival at the mainland parking lot, visitors may call the office to ask for transportation to the Island via the Caton’s boat. If you want you use your cell phone to call, you can reach the main office at 1-506-468-6262.
  2. All visitors must report to the main office and sign-in. They must state the purpose of their visit and let the administration staff know how long they intend to remain on the camp grounds.
  3. When departing all visitors must again report to the main office and sign the sign-out sheet. From there, the administration staff will contact a boat driver who will then take the visitor(s) back to the landing.

    All visitors must report to the main office upon arrival. Anyone failing to report to the main office upon arrival on Caton’s Island may be asked to leave.

Head Lice

All campers will be checked on registration day for head lice. In the event we discover lice/nits the camper will have to return home. Due to the difficult nature of removing lice/nits, the camper may not return to camp that week, however, a refund or rescheduling the camper for another week will occur. It is recommended that you check your campers a couple of days in advance for lice before coming to camp to avoid the embarrassment of the camper having to return home. If we discover lice mid week we will notify the parents/guardians of the situation and ask them to pick up the camper. As well we will notify parents/guardians of children who have come in contact with the infected camper.

Below are some useful links on head lice:

Health Care / Medications

Caton’s Island has a medic or nurse on staff at each camp. Ambulance service is less than 15 minutes away in case of an emergency. This medic or nurse will collect and dispense medications that campers are taking. Campers are required to discuss a medical questionare upon arrival. “Yes” answers to any of the questions will then be discussed with the camp medic for consideration. Campers with severe flues, or an active communicable disease that cannot be managed at camp will be sent home.

Make sure to carefully consider the amount of medication sent for the number of days the camper will be at camp. Send a more than adequate supply of all necessary medications. The medications must be sent in the originally labeled container from the pharmacy. These labels should include strength, dosage, instructions and doctor’s name. It is always helpful to send written instructions for the medic. These medications will be kept under lock and key in the camp infirmary and distributed by the camp medic when necessary. The infirmary always has over the counter items such as headache and nausea medication, bandages etc.

Measles Policy

Caton’s Island is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all campers / registrants. The recent public health situation involving multiple confirmed cases of the measles within New Brunswick has prompted Caton’s Island to implement the following policy:

  • Campers who have had or have been in contact with the measles in the past 21 days (21 days prior to the first day of arriving on the island) are asked to stay home. This ensures the health and safety of all campers and staff and is the most effective way to prevent an outbreak.
  • If Caton’s Island discovers that a camper is showing signs / symptoms of the measles while at camp, the camper will be quarantined, the parents will be immediately contacted and the camper will be sent home. Caton’s Island will then contact all parents /guardians to notify them of the suspected case.
  • Caton’s Island will not block any camper without immunization from attending camp. However, Caton’s Island highly encourages all campers to make sure that their immunizations are up to date to ensure the health of all campers and staff.
  • Caton’s Island encourages all parents to be familiar with the symptoms and precautions involving the measles. Please visit the following website to get up to date information.
  • https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/departments/ocmoh/cdc/content/measles.html
Pet Policy

Caton’s Island is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all campers. We have implemented a pet policy, which means we no longer allow registrants and visitors to bring their pets on the island during arrival days, departure days, family camps, or camp visits.  While we understand the love and companionship pets provide, this policy is in place to prevent any potential risks, health concerns, or safety concerns to our campers. This policy extends to all domestic animals, with the exception of certified service dogs. Certified service dogs must be approved by the Camp Office. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to this policy.

Rules & Guidelines

Camper Conduct

If a camper’s conduct or management becomes dangerous to themselves or to others we will: manage the situation to the best of our ability given the staff and resources; contact the parents or emergency contact person for guidance and to inform of action taken. Unresolvable problems rarely occur at camp but when all other plans of action have been tried we will ask the parents/guardians to transport the camper home.

  • Campers will get up to three warnings for misconduct.
  • As well, privileges may be lost (ie: canteen).
  • The second warning will include a phone call home.
  • The third warning may result in early dismissal.
  • Campers dismissed from camp will NOT receive a refund.
General Camp Rules

Cooperation with and respect for those in authority is expected and required.

  • Leave cell phones, ipads, ipods, electronic games, etc. and bad attitudes at home.
  • Camper’s are expected to behave in a safe and non-aggressive manner.
  • Camper’s are not allowed in restricted areas. (Staff housing areas, barn, maintenance area, etc.)
  • Proper footwear and clothing required while participating on the ropes course.
    -For ropes course: Sneakers – sandals not allowed, long pants or shorts.
  • Modest clothing is required at all times
    – Modest trunks
    – Modest one-piece or tankini bathing suit only
    – Crop tops, low-cut and spaghetti straps are considered inappropriate.
  • For the protection of our campers, while maintaining a relaxed atmosphere of fun and adventure, Caton’s Island insists that campers adhere to our code of conduct. No alcohol, tobacco, drugs or sexual misconduct will be tolerated. Campers breaking this code, or who are rebellious and uncooperative may be picked up early by parents. (No refund will be issued to these campers.) Every effort, however, will be made to make your child’s stay at camp both enjoyable and safe.
Electronics and Cell Phones

Caton’s Island adheres to a strict no cell phone/electronics policy for campers. Caton’s believes that the camp experience is a way of stepping outside the rhythm and routine of everyday life into an engaging week which helps to shape the campers independence and problem solving abilities. The camp atmosphere encourages campers to step outside of their comfort zones and participate in new activities free from electronics. Cell phones may promote homesickness, hinder the camper’s ability to create friendships and allow inappropriate posting of pictures to social media sites. In adherence to this policy, campers should not bring electronic games, music players, speakers, or cell phones to camp.

Smoking & Vaping

Campers are not permitted to smoke or vape at camp. The camp must be informed about campers with a nicotine or drug habit.